Ardha Matsyendrasana (Half Lord of the Fish Pose)

The name comes from the Sanskrit, “Ardha ” meaning “Half” “Matsyendra ” meaning “King of the fish”and “Asana”, meaning “Posture”.

In the Hatha yoga pradipika, matsyendra is mentioned as one of the founder of Hatha vidya. Paripurna matsyendrasana, where the spine is given the maximum lateral twist, whereas matsyendrasana is a milder version of that asana. In English, it is called half Lord of the Fishes Pose.

Table of Contents

  • Steps with breathing
  • Adjustments
  • Benefits
  • Contra Indications
  • Variations

Steps with breathing

1. Sit in dandasana, feet together legs stretched out straight in front, and spine erect.

2. Bend both the knees at the chest level, place the right foot under the left knee outside the left hip and the left foot over the outer edge of the right knee, toes pointing forward.

3. Place the left hand behind the hip and lengthen the tailbone.

4. Inhale; raise your right hand over the head palm facing the right side. As you exhale bend your elbow taking it outside of the left knee and wrap the left arm behind the back.

5. Lengthen both sides of the torso and give a slight twist and look at your left shoulder.

6. Maintain the final pose from 30 seconds to a minute.

7. Inhale bring the neck forward, as you exhale take your right elbow out and release the left arm. With further exhalation lift the left knee up followed by the right knee at the chest level and relax in shithala dandasana.


1. The foot that is in contact with the outer edge of the knee, its toe should point outward.

2. The heel of the other foot should be touching the outer edge of the hip.

3. Lengthen the spine and lift the tail bone up, so that the entire torso revolves around the spine.


1. Hug the knees.

2. Cath hold of the big toes.

3. Clasping the hands.


1. Improves the function of the digestive system.

2. Increases flexibility of the spine and back muscles.

3. Massages and stimulates the pancreas.

4. Increases the oxygen supply to the lungs.

5. It also helps to reduce the size of the abdomen.


1. Women who are pregnant.

2. Menstruation cycles.

3. People suffering from peptic ulcer, hernia, slipped disc and sciatica should also avoid it.

4. People suffering from hyperthyroidism should only practice this pose under the guidance of a competent teacher because of the intense twist in the neck twist and abdominal.