Halasana (plow pose)

The name comes from the Sanskrit, “Hala” meaning “Plough”,and “Asana”, meaning “Posture”.

Table of Contents of plow pose

  • Steps with breathing
  • Adjustments
  • Benefits
  • Contra Indications
  • Variations

Steps with breathing

1. Lie flat on the back with the legs and feet together. Place the arms besides the body with the palms facing down.

2. Raise both legs to the vertical position, keeping them straight and together, press down the palms and lift the buttocks, rolling the back away from the floor.

3. Turn the palms up, bend the elbows and place the hands behind the rib cage to support the back.

4. Lower the legs over the head and bring the toes towards the floor behind the head without straining, but do not force the toes to touch the floor. Hold the final pose from 30 seconds to a minute.

5. Release the pose and relax in shavasana by taking the toes off the floor, lowering the arms with palms facing down, then gradually lower the legs and each vertebra of the spine to the floor, followed by the buttocks.


1. Lift legs at a 90-degree angle.

2. Lengthen the torso upright and keep it perpendicular to the floor.

3. Legs fully extended and toes released.


1. Parsva halasana (left and right).

2. Interlacing the fingers behind the back and straighten the arms.


1. Very effective in relieving constipation and dyspepsia.

2. The movement of the diaphragm during the practice of halasana massages all the internal organs, it activates the digestion system and improves liver and kidneys function.

3. It strengthens the abdominal muscles, relieves spasm in the back muscles, tones the spinal nerves and increases the blood circulation to the whole area.

4. It regulates the activity of thyroid gland, which balance the body’s metabolic rate. It also improves the immune system.


1. This asana should not be practiced by those who suffer from hernia.

2. Slipped disc, and sciatica.

3. High blood pressure and

4. Any other serious back problem and neck injuries.