Navasana (boat pose)

The name comes from the Sanskrit, “Nava” meaning “Boat” and “Asana”, meaning “Posture”.

Table of Contents

  • Steps with breathing
  • Adjustments
  • Benefits
  • Contra Indications
  • Variations

Steps with breathing

1. Sit in dandasana, stretch the legs out in front and keep them straight. Keep the palms beside the hips.

2. Now, slide the palms behind the buttocks, inhale and bend both the knees at the chest level.

3. Firm the palms on the mat and while exhaling raise both the legs from the floor. If possible raise both the hands in line with the outer edge of the knees, palms facing each other.

4. Balance the whole body on the buttocks and engage the core muscles.

5. After holding the pose from 30 seconds to one minute,with inhalation bring the hands back behind the buttocks and with exhalation bring the legs down and rest in shithala dandasana.

6. Do not hold the breath during this asana, through the tendency is always to do it with suspension of breath after inhalation. If the breath is held, the effect will be felt on the stomach muscle which just external surface and not on the abdominal organs. Deep inhalation in this asana would loosen the grip on the abdominal organ. In order to maintain this grip, inhale, exhale and go on repeating this process . This will exercise not only the abdominal muscles but the internal organs also.


1. Slide the palms 30 degree away from the buttocks.

2. Balance of the whole body should be on the buttocks.

3. Toes of the feet should be in line with the head.

4. Spine should be erected and core muscles should be engaged.


1. Slide the palms behind the buttocks, inhale and bend one knee and slowly extend the leg, keeping the other leg on the floor and lift the hands off the floor.

2. Those who cannot balance on the buttocks can keep the palms on the floor while the legs are up.


1. Strengthens abdomen, hip flexor and spine.

2. Stimulates the muscular, digestive and circulatory system.

3. Tones all the organs and removes lethargy.

4. It also helps to strengthen the back muscles.

5. It is especially useful for eliminating nervous tension and bringing about deep relaxation.

6. It is useful for women preparing for childbearing and may be practiced during the second trimester of pregnancy and should be parcticed under expert only.


1. People suffering from high blood pressure should avoid this asana.

2. Should not practice during menstruation and pregnancy (please check benefits).

3. Those who are suffering from diarrhoea, dysentery, leucorrhoea, mono-metrorrhagia and dysmenorrhoea should not attempt this asana at all.